go cold turkey / ˈkoʊld ˈtɜr ki /


go cold turkey 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. abrupt and complete withdrawal from the use of an addictive substance, as a narcotic drug, alcohol, or tobacco.

go cold turkey 近义词

go cold turkey

等同于 kick

go cold turkey 的近义词 5
go cold turkey 的反义词 3

更多go cold turkey例句

  1. She quit the protests cold turkey in October, found a spiritual adviser, started to channel her desire to burn the system down into building up her community.
  2. While most moderate drinkers can handle withdrawal symptoms on their own, if you are truly alcohol-dependent, quitting cold turkey may not actually be safe.
  3. This is comedy based on a cold humor, detached, euphemistic, devoid of any generosity.
  4. We indulge in expensive cold-pressed juices and SoulCycle classes, justifying these purchases as investments in our health.
  5. Cold War fears could be manipulated through misleading art to attract readers to daunting material.
  6. The vaccine is delivered through a “carrier virus” that causes a common cold in chimpanzees but does not affect humans.
  7. Meanwhile two kids were taken from their mother when she flew back to the UK from Turkey.
  8. Madame de Condillac stood watching him, her face composed, her glance cold.
  9. Being quieted by the Captain with a draught of cold tea, and made to sit down, the examination of the book proceeded.
  10. When alone she sometimes picked it up and kissed the cold glass passionately.
  11. Such throats are trying, are they not?In case one catches cold; Ah, yes!
  12. Turn we our backs to the cold gloomy north, to the wet windy west, to the dry parching east—on to the south!